Aaron Olver, a distinguished leader in the realms of economic development and technology, currently serves as the Managing Director of University Research Park. Over his career, he’s played roles shaping Madison and Wisconsin’s economic landscape and fostering...
Wendy Harris is a seasoned healthcare industry professional with a remarkable 33-year career marked by her leadership and expertise in various aspects of the medical technology field. She has excelled in roles encompassing medical technology, imaging service, clinical...
Lisa is an Assistant Professor of Kinesiology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and a member of the UW Carbone Cancer Center’s Cancer Prevention and Control program. She holds a joint Ph. D. in Epidemiology and Psychology from Yale University and has 14...
Michael Cook – Global Director Rockwell Automation of Academic Enablement Group has broad global corporate strategy and business development experience. Prior to moving to the USA in 2004, he worked for several years as a hands-on management and implementation...