Empowering Members Through Biohealth Advocacy

BioForward’s advocacy efforts are designed to directly benefit biohealth companies in Wisconsin. By educating policymakers and actively engaging in legislative activities, we ensure policies that support industry growth and innovation are prioritized. By being part of BioForward, members gain a powerful ally dedicated to their success and the growth of the entire biohealth ecosystem.

Group of people standing around a table will a new signed bill.
Your Voice in Legislation

Latest Legislative Activities

We actively engage in legislative activities to influence policies that support the growth and success of Wisconsin’s biohealth industry.

SUPPORT: Universities of Wisconsin’s operating budget request for the 2025-27 biennium

Request of $855 million request over two years allowing Wisconsin to remain competitive against other states through investment in innovative technologies and preparing students to meet the demands of our biohealth industry and other key industries.

Tech Hub Matching Funds Legislation (Assembly Bill 916/Senate Bill 894):

On February 21st, Act 96 was enacted (000001.ildoc) (wisconsin.gov), providing $7.5m in matching funds to the WI Biohealth Tech Hub to support its Phase 2 Regional & Innovation Tech Hub application which was submitted to the EDA on February 28, 2024.

This legislation had overwhelming bi-partisan support passing 96-0 in the Assembly and 31-1 in the Senate. It was then enacted by Governor Evers. More information on the Wi Biohealth Tech Hub: https://www.bioforward.org/wisconsin-biohealth-tech-hub/

SUPPORT: All Co-pays Count Legislation

This legislation requires health insurance policies that offer prescription drug benefits, self-insured health plans, and pharmacy benefit managers acting on behalf of policies or plans to apply amounts paid by or on behalf of a person covered under the policy or plan for prescription drugs to any calculation of an out-of-pocket maximum amount or to any cost-sharing requirement of the policy or plan in Wisconsin. For additional information, check out their website at this link WI All Copays Count Coalition (wi4patients.com) and read the recent press release.

Watch this powerful video about why all co-pays count: https://vimeo.com/user13782109/review/818097108/a71ed27fed

Against: Biosimilar Red Tape Elimination Act (S. 2305) and the Medication Affordability and Patent Integrity Act (S. 2780).

These bills, if enacted, would strike at the heart of America’s medical innovation sector by undermining the IP infrastructure that drives it. The Biosimilar Red Tape Elimination Act would irresponsibly deem all biosimilars as interchangeable with their reference products without the necessary evaluation by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Medication Affordability & Patent Integrity Act imposes burdensome new reporting requirements on biopharmaceutical companies, ostensibly to prevent the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) from issuing patents for "inherent" aspects of drugs.

Support: Ensuring Patient Access to Critical Breakthrough Products Act

This bipartisan legislation has now been introduced in both houses of Congress and provides for Medicare coverage of breakthrough technologies to which so many patients are in need of access. The FDA’s Breakthrough Devices Program is intended to provide patients and health care providers with timely access to emerging medical devices that provide for more effective treatment or diagnosis of life-threatening or irreversibly debilitating diseases or conditions. The FDA invites med tech innovators to seek the designation if their device meets the criteria. The accepted devices will receive prioritized FDA review. As of Sept.30, 2024, 1,029 devices have received the designation, and 124 devices have received marketing authorization.

Support: Longstanding Deduction for R&D Expenditures

BioForward once again supports restoring the longstanding deduction for R&D expenditures which was changed in 2022 to a mandatory five-year amortization for domestic R&D. This greatly impacts emerging growth companies that depend on expensing the R&D expenditure in the year incurred. (H.R.2673 S.866)

Update: The House Ways & Means Committee approved the Small Business Jobs Act (H.R. 3937), which includes language to delay retroactively through 2025 the mandatory capitalization of R&D expenses.

BioForward appreciates Senator Tammy Baldwin for co-sponsoring S.866. BioForward appreciates Representative Glenn Grothman (WI-06) for co-sponsoring H.R. 2673.

Legislative News for Biohealth

Advocacy Insights

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Economic Impact Report

Discover the remarkable growth and innovation of Wisconsin’s biohealth industry.

View the Report
Policymakers Economic Impact Kit

The information policymakers need to support a thriving industry driving Wisconsin’s economic recovery.

Coming Soon
Supporting All Copays Count Legislation

This legislation ensures that copay assistance counts toward patients' out-of-pocket costs, preventing insurers from excluding these payments from deductibles.

Group of people standing around a table will a new signed bill.
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Advocating for Our Members

Government Affairs Committee

Our Government Affairs Committee represents member interests, ensuring their voices are heard and their needs are addressed at every level of government.

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Stay informed and make your voice heard. BioForward periodically issues legislative alerts, encouraging members to contact their senators or representatives on critical biohealth industry issues. Locate your legislators using our interactive map and get involved today.

a map of the state of Wisconsin with a red line outlining legislators.