Anjon (Jon) Audhya

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health: Recognized as an international leader in education, research and service, the School of Medicine and Public Health continues to evolve to meet changing health care needs From creating academic programs targeting health professional shortage areas to becoming the nation’s first school to integrate medicine and public health, the University of Wisconsin consistently strives to be on the forefront of healthcare innovation through service, science, scholarship, and social responsibility. See why we’re consistently recognized as an international leader in education, research, and service.
Bio Highlights: Anjon (Jon) Audhya, Ph.D. earned his bachelor’s degree from Brown University in 1997, received his Ph.D. in biomedical sciences at the University of California, San Diego in 2002, followed by postdoctoral studies at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research from 2003 – 2007. Dr. Audhya joined the faculty of the UW-Madison Department of Biomolecular Chemistry in 2008. During this period, he took advantage of genetic, biochemical, and microscopy-based approaches to dissect basic regulatory mechanisms that control protein trafficking and organelle dynamics in yeast, worms, and human tissue culture cells. Since arriving in Madison, his laboratory has been committed to understanding the fundamental mechanisms by which membrane proteins, lipids, and other macromolecules are transported throughout eukaryotic cells. To do so, the Audhya lab uses a variety of experimental systems, ranging from animal models to human-induced pluripotent stem cells. They also aim to recapitulate individual steps of membrane transport in vitro, using recombinant proteins and chemically defined lipids. The ultimate goal of the Audhya lab is to identify the regulatory pathways that control membrane deformation, which enable vesicle formation in the endosomal and secretory systems. Although basic research is the cornerstone of his program, Dr. Audhya also seeks to define pathomechanisms that underlie human disease, focusing on the impact of mutations in key trafficking components that lead to cancer, neurodegeneration, asthma, and diabetes. Dr. Audhya was promoted to the rank of Professor with tenure in 2019. On December 1, 2021, he was appointed Senior Associate Dean for Basic Research, Biotechnology, and Graduate Studies in the School of Medicine and Public Health. He is also the Director of the Center for Training in Pharmacology and Drug Development and co-leads a NIH-funded T32 graduate training program in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology.