Voximetry Receives FDA Clearance For Torch

MADISION, WI – Voximetry is very pleased to announce FDA 510(k) market clearance for Torch® Dose Assessment for Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (RPT), the first commercial full Monte Carlo GPU-accelerated voxel-based dosimetry solution.
Torch can provide estimates of absorbed radiation dose following internal administration of approved radiopharmaceuticals, Torch can provide estimates of absorbed radiation dose in seconds.
“As the accuracy leader, Torch is the best tool to demonstrate the importance of heterogenous, density corrected, dosimetric assessments,” said Sue Wallace, CEO of Voximetry. “This is an important first step on the path to accurate personalized treatments that may include increased tumor response or improved protection for critical organs.”
Torch is now available for clinical implementation nationwide.
Key functions of the Torch software include image import, image registration, image deformation across multiple timepoints, contour propagation, pharmacokinetic modelling, and GPU-accelerated radiation transport modelling.
About Torch Dose Assessment: Medical imaging inputs acquired on the voxel level afford measurement of tissue heterogeneity and nonuniform source distribution of radiopharmaceuticals. Monte Carlo produces dose distributions at the voxel level with high precision and accuracy. For Lu-177 labeled therapeutics, GPU acceleration can provide extremely accurate dose assessments in less than 5 seconds for a single bed position SPECT scan.
About Voximetry: Voximetry is a Healthtech software company committed to changing the Standard of Care for Radiopharmaceutical Therapy patients by providing advanced dosimetry-guided Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (DG-RPT). Torch® software may help improve patient outcomes by moving beyond population-based models and making every treatment personal.
Torch design and development was supported by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R43CA221491. The product is solely the responsibility of Voximetry and does not represent official views of the National Institutes of Health.”
Torch design and development was supported by grants from the University of Wisconsin-System SBIR Advance Matching Grant Fund through its partnership with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.