Wisconsin Innovation Awards 2022

The Wisconsin Innovation Awards (WIA) seek to celebrate and inspire innovation. The WIA highlights and honors the development of groundbreaking and innovative ideas. If it is a transformational idea we want to celebrate it. We hope to encourage an even greater environment of innovation by bringing innovators together from various business sectors (e.g. tech, food, healthcare, agriculture, nonprofits, education, government), and from throughout the state.
2022 Wisconsin Innovation Awards will be held on October 12, 2022 to the University of Wisconsin Memorial Union in Madison, WI from 5:30 – 8:30 PM.
5:30 pm - Networking Reception, Tripp Hall
6:30 pm - Awards Ceremony, Shannon Hall
Support the Wisconsin Innovation Awards by buying a Supporter ticket bundle! Includes 8 admissions to the networking reception and awards ceremony, and your name or company name listed in our event program.
For more information please go to: www.wisconsininnovationawards.com